No Surprise Billing Interim Final Regulations – Part 1
On July 1, 2021, the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury, along with the Office of Personnel Management (collectively, the Departments),
401(k) Plan Tax Credit Summary
Eligible employers may be able to claim a tax credit of up to $5,000, for three years, for the ordinary and necessary costs of starting
Participant Corner: Tax Saver’s Credit Reminder
You may be eligible for a valuable incentive, which could reduce your federal income tax liability, for contributing to your company’s 401(k) or 403(b) plan.
Retirement Plan Committee Activities
A retirement plan committee consists of co-fiduciaries who are responsible for all plan management activities that have been delegated to them by their plan’s named
QDIA…. Why is it important?
The qualified default investment alternative (“QDIA”) is arguably the most important investment in a plan’s investment menu. By far the most often selected QDIA investment
Excessive Fee Litigation: The Best Defense is Compliance
Excessive fee litigation is increasing at a steady pace and all signs are it will continue to increase. The positive side of this situation is
Target Date Funds—Does One Size Really Fit All?
If you have ever opened a brokerage account with an advisor, you know the first step is gathering information to determine the risk profile and
Keep Your Plan Assets Safe
Six Easy Steps to Keep Your Plan Assets SafeCyber fraud is a growing concern globally. Individuals are typically very careful to keep their bank account
Retirement Plan Fees
Retirement plan fees are complicated. Between administration, investment management, recordkeeping, consulting, revenue sharing, sub-TA and 12b-1, it isn’t always clear to plan participants or plan sponsors exactly what they’re paying, how much they’re paying or even who’s paying the fees.